Scott McGee
Laguna Beach
Shaw's Cove
Hopkin's Rose
Okenia rosacea
and its food source, the bryozoan
Eurystomella sp.
Nikon D200
Ikelite Housing
DS125 strobe
105mm lens
f/22, 1/60
Herb Gruenhagen
La Jolla Shores
Honeycomb Rockfish
Sebastes umbrosus
Nikon 8008s
Tussey Housing
Single strobe
Film: E100VS
David Anderson
1/3/2008 Maui, Hawaii
Mala Pier
Imperial Nudibranchs
Risbecia tryoni
Nikon D80
Dual Ikelite DS125 strobes
Nikon 60mm macro lens
f/13, 1/200, ISO 100
Rick Ramsey
Mission Beach
Ingraham Street Bridge
Giant Keyhole Limpet
Megathura crenulata
California Golden Gorgonian
Muricea californica
Olympus Stylus 300
PT-016 Housing
Macro w/Flash
Tracy Clark
1/1/2008 La Jolla Shores
Stiletto Shrimp on kelp
Heptacarpus stylus
Nikon D70s
60mm lens
Steve Murvine
Point Loma
Ancient Sea Cliffs
Train Wheels
San Diego Dorid
Diaulula sandiegensis
Club-tipped Anemones
(Strawberry Anemones)
Corynactis californica
Canon SD-750
Allison Vitsky
La Jolla Shores
Perhaps a juvenile
Southern Kelp Crab?
Taliepus nuttallii
Canon EOS 20D
Dual Ikelite DS 125s
50mm macro lens
Walt Conklin
Redondo Canyon
90–100 feet
Common Squid and eggs
Loligo opalescens
Sea & Sea DX8000G
Dual YS-25 Auto strobes
Jen Tople
1/1/2008 La Jolla Shores
A skate
Raja sp.
Nikon D70s
Ikelike DS-50 strobe
60mm lens
Kevin Lee
Point Loma
An egg-bearing sea spider (male)
Order Pycnogonida
Nikon D200
Dual YS-110 strobes
Roger Uzun
San Simeon
Piedras Blancas
Northern Elephant Seals
Mirounga angustirostris
1:50-min video clip
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